All Jamie and Claire’s Sex Scenes: RANKED


The Stables (5x06):

Let's talk about the stables. This is my least favorite of Jamie and Claire's intimate moments because it's kind of...awkward? And not the kind of natural awkwardness of such moments, but an awkwardness in the dialogue and staging, more than anything. I am not the first to think this; Herself even wrote about it. It had actually so much potential -- that "look down" line makes me clutch my pearls a bit -- but there isn't a lot of room for the actors to go, metaphorically. Jamie makes this oddly sexist comment that comes out of nowhere, and Claire hits him, which very much turns them both on. Okay, fine. I'm game with that. But that level of anger felt kind of unearned. Also, Jamie just did not seem drunk enough, or brutish enough, which can be both somewhat problematic and quite sexy. The show has a habit of curbing some of Jamie's more problematic behaviors. In some ways, I get where they're coming from, but Jamie and Claire have such an equal, respectful relationship that a bit of domination on Jamie's part would not be out of line. They can both dish it out and take it. The scene itself has some great pieces and, I mean, it's still pretty steamy as you cannot put those two on screen without passion. However, it's shot too far out and much less intimately (am I supposed to be looking at the empty stall next to them?), and, when Jamie drops the "look down" line, Claire just...doesn't? And couldn't anyway with all those skirts in the way. So there were some issues. If they thought it was too problematic (and it's not totally unproblematic as it is in the book), I would rather they skipped it rather than tried to blunt it. It's not a horrible scene, just not the absolutely incredible display of sensuality, passion, and intimacy that is an Outlander hallmark.


Interrupted Glade (1.08)

Outlander has some pretty fabulous sex scenes, and they are one of the many reasons we love this amazing show. I feel like I'm just ranking levels of good to amazing rather than bad to good. This scene, where Jamie and Claire get interrupted by the British deserters, is one that I would call good but not a standout. They have such an utter glee in being with each other that is a delight to watch, and Sam and Caitriona, as always, completely light up the screen. They feel like two, adorable young lovers, sneaking off and making excuses to go have sex. It's pretty adorable. Jamie also drops two rather iconic lines, asking "does it ever stop?" And telling Claire he feels like God when he's inside her. Weird as that might be, it's definitely a compliment, and a perfect Jamie-ism. It shows how much fun they're having together and how easily and quickly they have fallen into comfort and deep affection for each other. It goes very bad very quickly though, and honestly, I'm really sick of watching sexual violence on Outlander. That being said, read on it's own, the scene works well. The juxtaposition of how happy they are against Frank's misery, as well as the danger around them, makes Jamie and Claire stand out all the more. It's a great scene, and they are adorably frisky. This scene definitely helps establish the unique, incredible sexuality of our leading couple, so fun and passionate and emotional all at once. Jamie is showing a precious level of vulnerability, and they laugh together about how ridiculous it all is, but are clearly having so much fun it's impossible not to go along with them at every step. It's definitely a yummy scene, and the little flush Claire gets when Jamie gets a little more...intense about so cute. just not what I would call one of the all-time greats of the series.


Laird and Lady (2.08)

This is not a long but a very beautiful scene. Jamie and Claire have once more had their lives turned upside-down after they've finally found their footing again after Jamie recovers from assault and being imprisoned, and losing their daughter. And they are thrown into the intrigue and danger of the Rising. But they get this small moment of love, vulnerability, and affection, that is utterly beautiful. Jamie tells Claire that his father is a bastard -- which Claire cares about not at all -- but Jamie is ashamed. And yet, he gets to see himself a little more through Claire's eyes, making him happier and in a better place. Her modern sensibilities help him here as well. The way they always cement their connection through touch is just gorgeous, and it's very sensual from jump. Shirtless Jamie is looking particularly fine, and he picks up and holds Claire with such ease, that's definitely a dreamy moment. Also, no wonder Jamie fell in love with Claire for her round arse 🍑 Dang. That slow little walk he does and slowly laying Claire on the bed is definitely sexy. There is a strong female-gaze feeling as Jamie looms over Claire with that very nice torso of his. This scene shows so much of why Outlander sex scenes feel like something different than most others on tv. They are always interlaced with such emotion, and always show a deepening of some facet of Jamie and Claire's relationship. Obviously they are gorgeous to look at. Obviously it's wish fulfillment to see such a romantic scene, set with emotional vulnerability and a man who is going to seriously take his lady to bed. But it's a lot more than that, and the chemistry Sam and Caitriona give off is utterly electrifying. This scene is no exception.


Dream Sequence (2.02)

This episode comes in hot with Jamie and Claire mid- romp and clearly enjoying themselves. It's immediately sexy and an immense relief as Jamie has been struggling to regain intimacy with Claire since Wentworth. However, it's a pretty rapid switch to genuine horror as we see Jamie's trauma manifest. Black Jack appears in Jamie's mind, and Jamie lashes out. Suddenly the red light of passion turns sickeningly rage-filled and trauma-centered. Jamie's fantasies morph from a sexual one with his wife to one of death and revenge. It's immediate and visceral and certainly upsetting. Jamie's struggles are not going anywhere, even as his desire for his wife is strongly rekindled. It makes for a complex, jarring, and upsetting scene that stays with you. The visuals are strong, from the loveliness of Claire to Jamie's intensity, and all capped off with the spray of blood. I can't put this scene much higher because it is already far too prevalent in our culture to have sex and violence explicitly or implicitly linked. I understand the choices made in this scene and the desire to show Jamie's inner turmoil, but it severely lessens the "sex" of this scene.


Make-Up Tent (4.11)

Okay, I'm going to get my one quibble out of the way first. I think Jamie and Claire learn the wrong lesson from their fight. Obviously problems occur when they don't communicate and when they keep secrets.

Anyway, I do like their reconciliation on a lot of levels. It shows so strongly how much they need that physical and emotional intimacy to feel normal and connected. It is such a great moment when Claire tells him it wasn't him she was mad at, but the circumstances. When she touches him, the absolute glow he gets is so beautiful. They are clearly not themselves when their marriage is struggling even a little. And when they aren't communicating, when they've being too stubborn to come to each other with their vulnerabilities. Usually, they are very good at that, which makes it all the worse when their communication breaks down. Jamie and Claire are the King and Queen of makeup sex, but this one is unique because it is so slow and sweet and yet intense all at once. When they look into each other's eyes, we can just see the power they have over each other in the best way. The actual sex part is just an extension of that reforged connection, which is why Outlander sex scenes feel so unique and beautiful when other shows with a similar amount of sex feel gratuitous. But they bring the fire immediately. There is more sexiness just in Claire's little hip movement as they sink down than there is in most other tv couples' entire intimate scenes. And we do love them for that, and should. They bring together so much emotion and all their baggage into their sex scenes that makes them so unique and powerful. It's not just throwing off their clothes and going at it -- or if it is, there's a buildup of character and story that makes it perfect.


Jamie Memories:

Watching Jamie and Claire be apart is one of the hardest things in Outlander. They are so obviously soulmates, and their chemistry is without question the most electric part of the show, that watching them without each other is always heartbreaking and sometimes a little boring. But knowing that they are always thinking of each other, that the one person they truly love is always foremost in their thoughts, is so beautiful. This comes out so clearly when Claire is thinking of Jamie while in bed with Frank. We understand that it is not just the sex that Claire misses -- though obviously that was amazing with Jamie -- but the sheer intimacy on every level. Jamie is definitely very attractive in this scene, and the look he gives when he turns to her absolutely simmers. But it is so much more than that, too. She is looking for that depth of connection she feels like she has lost, maybe forever. Also, I am thrilled that Outlander, which has been a pioneer of female sexuality and female gaze from the first, shows female masturbation. Often, this is an overlooked part of sexuality as it is so regularly considered too "gross" or "weird" to be shown on tv. But Outlander breaks that down and shows this scene that has not only physical elements, but intense emotions as well. The sheer intensity and longing of this scene make it a highlight, and Caitriona Balfe can act so incredibly well! She is a juggernaut of her career and style, and seeing everything play across her face. I also adore how the scenes are shot, with Claire in this cold, blue light, echoing her now chilly marriage with Frank, against the fiery, red light Jamie is set in, harkening back to lost passion. This is another scene that highlights just how groundbreaking and amazing Outlander is, especially through the sex scenes.


Honeypot: (2.02)

Ah this iconic scene! Jamie saying "honeypot" is definitely a highlight of the show. It's a fun scene, but there are very serious undercurrents. By and large, I am not the biggest fan of the France storylines, though there are many things I like. It just feels like Jamie and Claire aren't themselves, and for good reason. But it seems to me that they both should have, and would have from their character development to that point, been better communicators about their feelings and needs. Sometimes Jamie and Claire are great at it, but when the story needs a problem, they suddenly won't talk to each other.

Obviously Jamie has been dealing with unfathomable things after Wentworth, and Claire suffered through that time as well. Them not having sex is definitely difficult on both of them as so much of their intimacy is built on their powerful physical connection. Claire is pregnant and likely not feeling as desirable from that, and her husband can't touch her. Jamie, too, wants Claire, and needs that comfort, but can't. It's such a precious exchange where Claire has thrown out this gambit of waxing, and Jamie is quite intrigued as this is very novel to him. He is sexy and innocent at once, which is a good look on Jamie. It seems like it's going to work, and that they'll be able to have sex again, but the trauma gets in the way. That is a gut-punch to characters and audience both. It is genuinely devastating that after such a cute scene, the rug is yanked out from under them. I wish they had a conversation after this though, talking about their feelings and needs. But this scene is both fun and fraught, a balance Outlander walks gracefully in most every episode, and in this scene in particular.


Can We? (2.06)

A true little gem of a scene, what makes this so powerful is the exchange preceding the sex. Jamie is entranced at the thought of the child growing in Claire, and he gets the chance to feel her kick for the first time. We get to see Jamie's incredible excitement about the prospect of becoming a father, and his love already for the child he and Claire have created. There's something so beautiful in the way Jamie absolutely cherishes his wife and child, foreshadowing the choices he later makes. Their exchange is sweet and teasing with the he/she debate, but it's the incredible tenderness that makes it stand out. Jamie talking to the baby is precious beyond belief, and this scene never lets go of the unadulterated goodness. So often, even on Outlander, the instinct is to make a sex scene dramatic, but the love communicated here is everything. The scene is allowed to be sweet and earnest without a hint of cynicism, if perhaps laced with a bit of irony. Watching Jamie's love and pride about his wife and child transition in this very natural way to a sexual encounter is so genuine and beautiful. He feels connected to Claire, and is conscious of the miracle their union created. He is reaching out, his desire to be safe and one not only with the woman he loves but with the child he hasn't yet met. His concern about the safety of the baby is a bit cliche but played by Sam it can't be anything but adorable. And Claire, as she so often does, is perfectly good taking charge. She pushes him back and climbs on with just a delightful certainty. There is so much of their relationship in this one scene. It is absolutely a tragedy knowing what's coming, and makes me long even more to see them as parents together. But in this moment, there is so much hope and love that it is one of the loveliest and sweetest scenes.


Full English Breakfast (3.06)

Finally, the reunion! Obviously this was a long awaited moment for both characters and audience. The particular scene I'm reviewing today is the third sex scene of the episode, the one in the morning. This is probably the weakest of the three -- not because it isn't great but just because the others are so remarkable. This one starts off so perfectly, with Jamie watching Claire sleep. They haven't woken up together in 20 years, and they are clearly very happy to get to again. And we get such an iconic line, that what they have is special, and it's still there. My heart always flutters a little on that line; it's so romantic! They just sink into it so perfectly, like they absolutely can't keep their hands off each other. Obviously Jamie has particular intentions and will not be shaken from that design. He's not stopping for food or anything. The look on Claire's face as she just kind of falls back on the pillow with this little smile is so adorable. She communicates so much in a look, with this almost resignation to pleasure. For so long, she was miserable in her marriage and without the intense passion she always had with Jamie. Back with him that morning, it finally feels real to her. This isn't some intense fantasy of the night before, but her reality. They are both so intense and enthusiastic as they finally feel that connection again that is amazingly physical but also emotional. As Jamie says, he never thought he'd laugh in a woman's bed again, and now he's joking about what he's eating for breakfast with the love of his life. It's a very joyous scene. Their post-coital little exchange is adorable as well; Jamie saying "jello" is almost as good as him saying "honeypot." This is a great scene that caps the reunion off well.


L.O.V.E.: (5.01)

It's impossible to talk about this scene without comparing it to the two others it's intercut with. Both other couples have great scenes, there is no competition as to who are the King and Queen of steamy scenes. Jamie and Claire are bringing the heat in full force here. This is a fantastic scene! It's set on this very joyous backdrop of their daughter's wedding, an event neither of them thought they'd get to see. They're taking care of their grandson (who is the most adorable interrupter ever), and are obviously so happy. That kiss after they put Jemmy down is so cute, and you can just see Jamie calculating and realizing exactly what Claire is thinking. Their awkward attempts to be quiet as they kiss and undress is just precious. We get an idea of what it might have been like for them to get to be parents together, and it's heartbreaking that they missed out on that. But the scene goes hardcore from there, with quite a bit of skin -- though not as much as we've seen in the past. But it's pretty perfect. Everything speaks to the incredible chemistry these two have, both as actors and as characters, and the comfort they have with each other. They are like a dance, moving in perfect unison to make this beautiful, sensual encounter. Also, when they have their foreheads pressed together and kind of gasp, that is pure fire! They bring sexy like no one else. This part is such a mark of joy and one of only a few moments of calm in the show. We are able to sit with these characters we love so much and experience joy with them, set to a fantastic song sung very well! It's a beautiful scene that shows definitively that even more than two decades after they first married, Jamie and Claire are the hottest couple on the show, and one of the hottest tv couples ever.


Here Comes the Rain Again: (3.09)

This scene is absolutely fantastic for all the desperate desire that absolutely pulses in the entire scene. Jamie and Claire, after finally finding each other again after 20 years, and dealing with the Laoghaire of it all, are now forced to sleep apart on their voyage at sea. This leads to a lot of pent-up energy for when they finally do get a moment alone, and gracious it is electric. After the ship is stranded by windless skies and water runs low with no rain (metaphor for a sexual dry spell anyone?), there is finally a deluge. Jamie and Claire slip below deck and, in the rough sea, are thrown against each other. At first they are casual and laughing, but then with this one little look, suddenly, it's like the rain should be turning to steam it's so hot between them. Jamie's look as he follows Claire inside could melt stone, and their sheer need for each other comes across so intently as they barely bother to undress and don't care who knows or can hear their activities. It's that kind of intensity that makes this such a powerful love story, that they need each other as they need air. As Fergus says later, "if you were forced to marry Milady, then I am forced to breathe." Jamie and Claire haven't gotten to really feel back to their old selves yet with all the uproar, and this feels like a classic, season 1 style sex scene, with all the eager passion of their early encounters. Also, their conversation after as Jamie adores the gray in her hair -- a collective swoon goes through the audience -- shows that their love doesn't diminish: it changes, grows, and develops. That also gives us Jamie's iconic moniker, "King of Men," which is not an inaccurate title for him. They are tv royalty and the reigning monarchs of sex scenes; this scene does a lot to prove that.


In Flagrante Delicto: (3.09)

Jamie and Claire can fight like no one else (my original title for this sex scene was "Fighting and --" another word that starts with "F"). Their arguments are absolutely electrifying and always laced with sexual tension and power dynamics. This is another scene that feels very season 1 for the drama and desperation of it. Claire is absolutely furious, and you can't blame her. They are bringing up and working through 20 years of angst and trauma, of pain and fear, and it all boils over in that one moment. They're both too mad to listen, so there's only one thing they can do. Without question, one of the sexiest lines in the whole series is when Jamie says that he would do far worse to keep her. Oof, that's one heck of a line. This is when they are both at their best, when they are being stubborn, flawed, passionate people who strike on each other like flintstone. And boy do sparks fly. Jamie pinning Claire down and making her hear that he has loved only her is very intense, and then she just goes for it. Obviously, they are sexually as well as emotionally charged, and they are simply feeling too much at once; there has to be a release. They can't even get their clothes off right. It's comical, with Jamie's shirt caught around his shoulders and Claire fighting with her stocking, but comical in that we are laughing right with the story, at the sheer absurdity of how we as human beings deal with conflict. This is Jamie and Claire's style, and it lights up a screen. They want to absolutely tear each other apart, and in that, they find union. Unfortunately here, Jenny throws a bucket of water on them so they don't get to complete their dramatic cycle. She should butt out of it, even though she is right: it's messy and immature, but it works for them. And it also is utterly delicious to watch.


The Window: (5x11)

This is one of my favorite, fun little Jamie and Claire sex scenes. It shows their comfort and love for each other, and how their relationship has matured and grown, but never lost it's fire. From the beginning, when Claire is furtively dabbing on perfume in strategic places, it is set up as a pretty adorable scene. Jamie completely zonking out is precious; they're not as young as they used to be, and that's great to see represented on tv, and by such a passionate couple. The best is yet to come though, when Jamie wakes to find Claire by the window. I love the little list they run through of what they can smell on each other (that's a very DG move to use scents to put you in the scene with the characters). Jamie's realization that Claire wanted to have sex makes sure this scene is going exactly one direction. In this case: down. In true dreamboat Jamie fashion, he hoists her up onto the windowsill and gets down to business. Oral sex isn't really part of the sex lives of main tv couples, at least that we see. So often, it's ignored as what can be a really great, rewarding aspect of a healthy, committed couple's sex life. But as usual, Outlander is not shying away from any topic, and that's part of the reason we keep coming back. There is so much in this scene, with Jamie seeking Claire's pleasure first, which is again a rarity on tv, and with the way Claire is able to relax and feel truly safe in Jamie's arms. He holds her, and she is able to just let go. Her physical well-being along with her pleasure are firmly in the hands of the man she loves, and are perfectly attended to by Jamie. He is her haven, and he loves her with a depth and a selflessness that is swoon-worthy. Claire's face as she just relaxes back out the window says it all. This is a fabulous scene on so many levels.


Slow and Steady: (3.06)

The reunion holds a special place in my heart, as I think it does for most Outlander fans. This second sex scene of the A. Malcolm episode is an incredible showing of the sheer erotic intimacy and intensity between Jamie and Claire. They've already had their second first time, and this is, like an echo of their second encounter on their wedding night, a deeply intimate scene. While the first is of need, the second is of powerful, unadulterated desire. After so long apart, Jamie and Claire are feeling each other out again. This scene comes on the heels of their discussion of Jamie's various illegal activities, and with Jamie's reassurance that, despite living in a brothel, he isn't actually an immoral lecher, as Claire fears. They are having fun with each other, teasing and laughing in a way made possible because they have already done it once and the initial awkwardness is overcome. This scene becomes so deeply intimate, though, as they lay together, cast in silvery light, and moving with a slow rhythm as they stare into each other's eyes. The way they look at each other, with fascination, passion, and adoration, completely sets the screen on fire. It is so intense because it is so intimate, not wild sex, but soft, visceral lovemaking. It's the mingling of souls as much as it is bodies, and that is written plainly across their faces as they stare into each other's eyes. This is one of the most intimate scenes in Outlander by virtue of them gazing at each other, watching love and lust play across their lover's face after 20 years apart. Sam and Caitriona knock it out of the park, as always, and we're given an incredible scene that strikes at the very core of love and intimacy that make this show great.


Fireside: (1.11)

It is saying something when the hottest thing on screen is not the fire, but the two people entangled beside it. This scenes comes on the heels of the witch trial and Jamie's valiant rescue, as well as Claire's confession that she's from the future. There is a lot of intensity leading up to this moment, and, actually, even more afterward. This is a scene that gets better on the rewatch because we understand Jamie's mindset. To Claire, her husband is waking her up in a very pleasant way, and being very intense and sexy, but this is not new for them. And wow, it is a steamy encounter. Jamie's insistence that he wants to watch her is knee-weakening. Caitriona acts the crap out of this scene! It's got to be difficult to be the only one acting at that level of intensity and enjoyment, and, as always, she gives a level of vulnerability that is so unique and incredible. On the surface, yes, it's a sexy, enjoyable scene, but it takes on a whole new meaning when we know Jamie's plans for the next day. This is the woman he loves, loves so much he can't even admit it to her, and he believes this will be his last night with her. Ever gallant and deeply moral, Jamie is going to do the right thing and send her back to her husband. But that night, it's as if he can't keep his hands off her. They are drawn together with an impossible magnetism. His motives give a tinge of sadness to it, as this is a kind of goodbye, but it also makes it so much more beautiful, too. Jamie wants to spend his last night with Claire giving her pleasure, memorizing and remembering her. He loves her more even than he knows. The intensity he has as he looks at her is so powerful, and the joy on his face as Claire kisses him and grabs his collar, shows so much. As usual for Outlander, they bring the heat like crazy, but in a scene that is so much more than just sex.


Marital Duties: (1.10)

This episode just drops you right into the action, and it is fantastic! The way it comes into focus slowly and through blurring puts the audience right into Claire's hazy mindset, overwhelmed with sensation. It is so sensual, with their slow movements and the close up shots of Claire's face and skin. Everything about this scene is sexy and charged, from the way Jamie moves and holds her leg to Claire's expressions. One of the sexiest moments ever is when there is a knock and Jamie just says "no" and grabs Claire more aggressively. I mean, dang, that is knee-weakening. He obviously has his priorities straight, and pleasing his wife is upmost of those. Claire caressing his face and Jamie kissing her hand with that look of absolute pride on his face is priceless. They are clearly so intimate so fast, as it has not been very long since they married. I try to resist doing "it was different in the book" type comments because adaptations can and should be different in my opinion. However, in the book, Jamie is the first person to ever give that to Claire, and I like that so much better because it shows the raw passion Jamie and Claire have that make them so different and magical. But, this is a great scene so I'll stop whining. Caitriona acts fantastically. Her commitment to the scene, and her and Sam's obvious comfort and trust in each other, makes this scene a joy to watch. It ends with a great few shots, too, with a very attractive, shirtless Jamie, and the delightfully awkward joke Murtagh makes about "marital duties" while Claire is naked, flushed, and hiding under blankets. Obviously, the other people around them aren't used to that much ardor, either, but that's what makes Jamire and Claire so special, and this scene an absolute gift.


Happy Birthday: (5.07)

I adore this scene, every bit of it. Jamie and Claire are absolutely precious, and looking fabulous for being on the far side of fifty! These soft, beautiful scenes where Jamie and Claire get to just talk and express their thoughts are always welcome, and it is a definite calm before the storm. Jamie is so sweet, thinking of his father and reflecting on his life. And, of course, they have a very cute exchange referencing Jamie's morning tumescence. The way the scene is lit and shot, the both of them look utterly gorgeous. I think Jamie has the perfect physique in season 5 -- not as bulky as season 3 and not as lanky as season 1. When Jamie lays back and gives Claire "the look," they sink into it with such depth and familiarity, it is positively yummy. Jamie gets such a pleased look on his face as Claire just automatically climbs onto him. Apparently, Claire singing Happy Birthday, and in that sexy, Marilyn Monroe way, was a Caitriona Balfe improvisation, which shows how in touch both she and Sam are with their characters. It is a perfect addition. Oh, and her calling him 'Colonel' is fantastic. As Claire slinks off her nightgown and moves her hips, they absolutely light up. This scene is so much fun, and has this very modern sentiment of pleasing your significant other for their birthday, and Jamie and Claire are utterly fantastic in that light. It is so obviously how much they really enjoy being together on every level: emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Their sex scenes often have so much weightiness to them that it's a pleasure to see them just enjoying themselves. It's not desperate or charged, not complicated or difficult. They are two people who love each other, enjoy each other, and want to be with each other as the best way to start and end each day. And it is beautiful.


Plans: (3.13)

Anything that starts with shirtless Jamie bodes well for the rest of the scene, and watching him shave is alluringly masculine. Then, of course, Claire comes in with the "don't shave your beard line." I love how they always find the little things about each other so sexually exciting. Sometimes it feels like an excuse for them to go for it, but it just proves how much they adore everything about the other person, and how passionate they are for each other. I genuinely believe that Jamie has been throughly planning this encounter, and he is ready as soon as Claire shows interest. When Claire starts to take off her shift but Jamie stops her, it shows so clearly that it's not a scene of objectification but of affection and connection, and of character development. After the fervor of finally finding each other again, they have relaxed into the easy sensuality of being with the person they truly love. They have a very adorable exchange, starting with sitting beside each other, because Jamie's descriptions are thorough and precious. Their kiss, and Jamie then wiping the soap off Claire's face, is very deep and romantic. They are so playful, but there are these moments of intensity that could come off as corny if they were played by almost anyone else. Instead, though, the way they look at each other, hold each other, and move together, is powerful and erotic. As usual, Jamie pulls out a very romantic gesture, carrying her to the bed. I love specific character attributes that come out in their sex scenes, like Jamie being a planner or his particular affection for his wife's backside, that show up in multiple scenes. Everything is deeply passionate from there as they simply radiate heat, coming together and finding their slow, sensuous rhythm. This scene is just delicious for the sweet, fun, and intense moments it brings, all wrapped in one steamy encounter.


Deflowering: (1.07)

Jumping right in: this scene was the spark that lit the unstoppable fire that is Jamie and Claire. From the minute that Jamie asks "to bed or to sleep?" this scene is an absolute erotic masterpiece. Claire obviously didn't want to be in this position, but it's so clear in her expression that, since she is, she's leaning into what needs to happen. The way Jamie takes off her necklace, his fingers lingering...and when he puts his hand inside her nightgown...his pure sexual interest in his new bride is precious and sexy. On that note, male virginity is rarely sexualized, and instead usually noted as awkward and short. Not that Jamie's first time isn't awkward and short, but he is also devastatingly sexy, and male virginity offers an interesting perspective and a raw, emotional openness in Jamie that Claire responds to deeply. The sound of Jamie's belt hitting the floor is one all fans can identify, and that kiss is stunning. It is one of the best kisses ever filmed, and Claire's breathless question, and Jamie's cocky answer, are perfect. Jamie is absolutely brimming with confidence, both adorable and sexy, as he just goes for it. The awkward uncertainty in both their eyes as Claire turns back to face him, is perfectly in line. They clearly want each other, bad, but they are definitely making it up as they go. The actual sex is kind of strained, which is not surprising, but the little looks of satisfaction on both their faces afterward shows how much they feel for each other, that it's more than just desire. Their talk afterward is sweet and charming, with Jamie's confession of how he thought sex worked. One of my favorite moments is when he asks her if she liked it, and when she doesn't answer, disappointment is written all over his face. He has been told by men he trusts she wouldn't, and yet he wants her to feel what he feels, emotionally and physically. Turns out she does, and the joy on his face when she confesses that is beautiful. This scene is a masterful first time, with all the sensuality and uncertainty of that encounter played perfectly.


Safe: (5.12)

Before I hit my top 10 Jamie and Claire sex scenes, I wanted to talk about this one. Calling it a "sex scene" felt wrong somehow, but ignoring it on this list, for the incredible intimacy and love it portrays, also felt impossible. So it gets it's own category, in a way. The season 5 finale was an incredibly difficult episode in a show with a lot of tough episodes. The violence Claire suffers rattles her -- and us -- to the very core. I'm not going to talk about my feelings about rape on Outlander here and now because honestly, I have a lot of feelings on that subject. But I love this scene so much for the way that Jamie and Claire's relationship is handled in the aftermath. It is grounded, mature, and loving. I was honestly nervous -- how their return to intimacy happens in the book is troubling to me -- and when I saw that closed door, I thought "wow, ok, they are going to show it." I didn't want a sex scene, though. I thought anything would be exploitative or odd, or worse, inconsistent and inconsiderate to those who were seeing their own experiences reflected on screen. What we got was, in my opinion at least, one of the most perfect moments ever filmed. The symbolism of their naked bodies, not covered even by blankets, shows the level of vulnerability in this scene. There is no hiding from each other, and they don't want to. They are both hurt and raw and afraid. Jamie's arms around her bruised body as she curls against him shows how he exists as her sanctuary, her haven, the one sure thing that never changes and always supports her. Sam and Caitriona do so much with so little. Jamie is right that Claire is very brave, that she has declared this won't break her, and she has gone back to bed with her husband. That is both character-consistent and inspirational. Her answer to Jamie asking how she feels was powerful, incredible moment. "Safe" is everything she wasn't so short a time before. Safe is security and love and peace. It doesn't mean there isn't pain, but safety is the place from which everything else can build, and Jamie is that for her.


#10 Thermodynamics: (4.01)

Here to kick off my list of top 10 Jamie and Claire sex scenes is one that is on fire, literally and figuratively! 🔥 Jamie and Claire have been through a lot already in the season 4 premiere, and there is worse to come, but this serves as a moment of peace and connection in all the tumult. Watching these beautiful people, bathed in firelight, is an absolute joy. I love the tiny little rag, that's not really washing, but an excuse to caress each other. Claire especially is feeling the fear of having the man she loves possibly ripped away from her again, as they live and love in dangerous times. But Jamie has the beautiful words and the perfect answer: "Nothing is lost, only changed." Their interpretations of this show their characters so well. Claire is a woman of science, and she sees the beauty of their love through something so practical as thermodynamics, but Jamie speaks through emotion and a bit of religion, and sees the same thing as faith. Even though they start from different places, they always find common ground. They are some of the most alive people, living fully and passionately, and one of the ways they do that is through intimacy with their partner. They are deeply impassioned as they stare into each other's eyes. They both know what the other one needs, that powerful connection of body and soul. It feels like a Sam thing when he moves Caitriona's hair out of her face so the camera can see her expressions; I think he does it in other scenes too and it's precious. I love the shots of Jamie's hands on her back, and the mounting intensity of their movements and expressions. They are in perfect unison, knowing each other so well that everything works together perfectly for their passion and pleasure. I appreciate that this scene doesn't cut away before the end, because as their movements slow, and they have that soft, sweet kiss at the end, we get to see how the intensity of connection grows between them and even deeper cements their love. It's beautiful, and this scene has some iconic lines that make it an absolute standout.

#9 Goodbye: (2.13)

I cry my way through this scene every time. Everything Jamie and Claire have been through in two gut-wrenching seasons lead up to this moment. Everything about it is set up so perfectly, with Jamie realizing she's pregnant and wanting to protect her and their child at any cost. The acting throughout is sensational. Caitriona conveys utter anguish, and Sam shows how much Jamie has steeled himself for this moment. He knows he has to be strong, or he won't be able to do what's best and let her go. The speech Jamie makes is one of the most romantic in tv history. Jamie bears a lot of guilt for things that are his fault and for things that aren't. I believe that's how you make a truly great leading man; they do bad things, but for the greater good, and they carry the guilt with them always, but they do it anyway because it has to be done, and they would rather do it themselves than force someone else to endure what they know they will suffer. That's Jamie's greatest burden, that he can't run away from his duty, even though it tears him apart. Jamie also always keeps his vows, and he promises Claire that he will wait for her, enduring purgatory for the woman he loves. His "God I loved her well" comment is both deeply intimate and also very tragic. As they sink to the ground together, there is so much desperation on their faces and in their movements. The way they press their foreheads together, as though they can't bear to not have every bit of skin touching, is heartbreaking. Everything about this scene tears at our hearts because it tears at theirs. When they repeat the vows from their wedding, it is a strong reminder that they have a blood vow, powerful and a bit magical, that connects them. Watching them be torn apart is almost obscenely devastating, a kind of cleansing grief, as we feel their pain with them. It's not fun to watch, but there is a power in the tragedy that hits at something more real inside us than almost any other show can reach.


#8 Lifesaver: (5.09)

This is one of my all-time favorite scenes because it focuses on just how powerful the connection between Jamie and Claire is. All throughout this episode, everyone is facing down what it would be like to live without Jamie. Obviously, that would be the biggest blow to Claire, that, as she states early on, she would never be whole again if she lost him. She's lived without him before, and it tore her apart. Jamie's sheer stubbornness that he will sleep in his bed with his wife is double-edged; yes he's being pigheaded, but it's because he's afraid it's his last night on earth. And it almost is.

A major reason Jamie and Claire are so special, why we are so addicted to their love, is the almost unearthly power of their bodies when they are together. They are the definition of a husband and wife as "one flesh." So when Jamie is cold, close to death, of course Claire takes off her clothes to lay skin-to-skin with him. That is how their connection of body and spirit is closest. And when Jamie feels himself fading, he needs Claire's touch to save him. It's an intimate touch, not just because it's a sexual touch, but because it's life-giving. The union they share, that strikes at the very core of love, was enough to rip through the fabric of time, enough to span twenty years apart, and enough to bring Jamie back to life.

In the end, there are elements of Outlander that are very realistic. It is a beautiful portrayal of a strong, long-enduring relationship. But at it's core, it is a mystical saga, and exceptionally gorgeous, brave, and genre-bending for those fantasy elements. But it is often at it's best when it lets us feel the simple, but undeniably powerful, magic of love.


#7 Pearl Necklace: (1.07)

This scene is utterly gorgeous. Both Jamie and Claire are glowing and a little rumpled from their previous encounters, and it gives a unique looseness and intimacy to this scene. Jamie's look at Claire when he wakes up is knee-weakening, and every shot of Jamie in this scene has him so beautifully framed. He is like a living piece of art, and the camera doesn't shy away from admiring him. His gift to Claire, his mother's pearls, is so deeply meaningful. We know how much Jamie's mom means to him, and that this last treasure he has, he gives to his wife. Jamie is being deeply vulnerable emotionally; he's showing Claire a very soft side of himself that loves his mother so much that he carries her pearls with him always. But when he says that both the necklace and Claire are very precious to him, he is offering her immense vulnerability in that. He loves her, but he knows this marriage was forced on her. She could reject him, but instead of trying to protect himself, he reached out. And she certainly responds. All of their intimacy of mind and of body leads to this moment, as Claire kisses his shoulder, and they move together. It's beautiful to watch such gorgeous people anyway, but when they are connecting on such a spiritual level, it is truly remarkable. They do violent passion exceptionally well, but the also do soft, sensuality with unmatched intensity. Jamie's kisses on her chest, Claire's soft movements, the way they stare so unwaveringly into each other's eyes, is stunning. It shows so clearly and plainly just how connected they are, how they have moved past the awkwardness and into a pure connection. They want to stare into each other's eyes and watch the pleasure they give each other play across their lover's face. When Claire wraps them both in Jamie's plaid, it is that protection, the reason they married, and it's her accepting her role as a Fraser, as she makes love to her husband, safe in the Fraser tartan.


#6 Blue Moonlight: (2.04)

This is one of the most beautiful scenes in Outlander from a purely aesthetic perspective. These two, gorgeous humans, bathed in blue light, is like living artwork. I definitely have issues with Jamie and Claire's relationship in early season 2, and with the fight they have prior to this scene in particular. It feels more like they wanted a fight so that Jamie and Claire could have an excuse to make up, trying to recreate the magic of season 1. But what makes their fights and reconciliations so powerful, especially in the first season, is that they are deeply character driven. What makes them so passionate is that emotions have justification on both sides and lots of groundwork is laid for them. Then those emotions bubble over. This fight felt very contrived, and that undermines their make-up a bit emotionally, but it is still very beautiful and incredibly intense. No matter what, they are still having a gorgeous moment of reconnection after a long time in the wilderness away from each other. They are incredibly vulnerable and raw in this situation, fighting to come back together. Claire reaches out, and Jamie responds. I love the focus on Claire's pregnant belly throughout the scene, from the camera shots of it to Jamie kissing it. As groundbreaking as usual, Outlander doesn't shy away from showing the sexuality of a pregnant woman, which few other shows do. So often, that is brushed aside or ignored, but Claire obviously wants her husband and he wants her. Their slow, gentle lovemaking shows how they are not maybe perfectly easy again yet, but they are outlining their desires and connection again. Finally, as they lay there together, Jamie's line about Claire having helped him build a shelter for his fragile inner being shows just why physical intimacy is so important to them especially. They are connected, and protected, in each other.


#5 Da Mi Basia Mille: (4.06)

Outlander definitely does romance right, and this scene shows that in spades. Jamie and Claire are feeling the lack of physical intimacy over the last while, and they finally get some alone time. They certainly use it well. The scene is definitely steamy from the first, with Claire in the bath. I love the detail of Jamie pouring water on her, but over his hand as he caresses her back. It makes it so much more intimate. They are sweet and sexy, a perfect combination they bring with such deftness. Jamie is at peak, sexy romantic hero, drawing her a bath, bathing her in kisses, and telling her she doesn't need cloth tonight. And when he kisses her bare fingers, it's obvious how much pain is in him from that incident. He wants so much to have a physical anchor that shows their connection, that speaks to his devotion to his wife. When he brings out that beautiful ring, made from his mother's candlestick, it is swoon-worthy. It feels almost like a rededication of themselves to each other, a marriage that they have chosen, that they choose every day, falling more and more deeply in love at every turn. The inscription, Da Mi Basia Mille, is such a perfect quotation for their marriage: intimate and eternal. On the wedding renewal theme, Jamie picks her up and carries her bridal-style to the bed. They are the King and Queen of the slow burn, from the way he lays her down to his strategically placed kisses. It's absolutely swoon-worthy when he starts counting, and adorable when Claire kind of loses count, not that I blame her. I was a little sad with the fade to black, but the scene is about this intense love between them, their connection on every level. They are a relationship that has been tested again and again, ripped apart and put back together. They are stronger at the broken places, and whole with each other. The ring is the never-ending circle of their love, timeless and unbreakable, and this scene is one of the most romantic of the series.


#4 Turtle Soup

This scene is famous and absolutely infamous, at least among Outlander fans, and deservedly so. It is a complete joy to watch Jamie and Claire have fun with each other and be so utterly caught up in each other that nothing else matters. They've been torn apart -- again -- and are finally back together; they certainly make the most of it. Claire is adorable drunk and loopy via fever and turtle soup, and Jamie clearly enjoys that in his wife as well. Jamie's reluctance to "stab her in the arse" with antibiotics is funny and adorable. Their playful banter shows how much humor and delight they have with one another. In another fantastic show of female sexuality, Claire clearly wants to have sex, and is definitely the aggressor. Their debate over how tipsy you have to be to be drunk is cute and fun, especially as Claire makes her move. Not that Jamie minds his wife taking charge, as their relationship always has a fantastic negation of sexual power dynamics. The "bolt the door" line is just fantastic, and they just launch into it. Claire basically springs onto her husband and they're off to the races. Their frenetic desperation to get each other naked is absolutely tantalizing, and as Jamie pins Claire backward, the scene becomes one of the most thrilling in Outlander history. The shots of them in the mirror is such a great visual, and Jamie trying to keep her quiet is hilarious. Both of them are rough and enjoyably vicious, an exciting part of their sexuality that it's great to see in their lighter and more jovial moments. They are just antagonizing each other for the fun of it, and it's delicious to watch. Them awkwardly debating whether Claire has "had enough" with Willoughby through the door shows exactly how little they are concerned with anything but each other. So many of Outlander's love scenes have heavy themes and weighty character development, and those are amazing, too, but it's fantastic to get to watch these beautiful people be so in love and enjoy each other so much.


#3 Laying Down the Law: (1.09)

The reckoning is the perfect name for this episode. After Jamie's daring rescue of Claire, and a subsequent "punishment" that left Claire and Jamie distant and at odds, everything had to come to a head. Jamie realizes just how much Claire means to him, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. He sacrifices his pride and makes one of the most romantic gestures of the series as he kneels before her and pledges fealty, a knife pressed to his heart. Jamie and Claire come from two very different places and perspectives, but their love allows them to find common ground. Jamie adapts and Claire forgives, for love. When Jamie tells Claire the ring is from the key to Lallybroch, we see how much he has always valued her. She is vital to him, that he wants her so much he can't breathe. There is such a desperation in both of them, not just because they haven't done it in awhile, but because they need to reaffirm their connection with their bodies. And Claire is definitely not messing around; her holding a knife to his neck as she keeps moving her hips is quite the power move. She demands to be viewed as an equal, and that is how her and Jamie's relationship is from then on. The struggle against prescribed roles and norms, desires and pressures, but, from that moment on, they are always struggling together, even if it's against one another. They've found solid ground from which everything else can be built. So when Jamie takes control, they are coming at it as equals. As Jamie says so perfectly, he can't possess her, soul, mind, or body, without losing his own. That is what they find in this aggressive, violent, desperate, sexy encounter, the power in both control and in the loss of it. And as they lay together after, they feel the closeness of spirit that comes with such vulnerable intensity. The scene of Claire defining words for Jamie is precious, and we see the ease of this new status quo for them, better than before, sexier and hotter than ever, but met on truly equal footing.


#2 Don't Be Gentle: (3.06)

A moment twenty years in the making...this scene had a lot of expectations from both characters and fans, and my goodness does it deliver! The lead-up is almost painfully sensual, slow and easing Jamie and Claire back toward intimacy after so long apart. It draws deep and extended parallels to their wedding night, as they talk and drink and get used to each other. Their slow, deliberate undressing of each other absolutely aches with desire. They are nervous of course; in some ways, it's harder than their wedding night. Then, Jamie and Claire didn't know what they were in for, but at the reunion, they are trying to recreate magic. Of course, they don't have to go looking far for that spark that, with a touch, becomes an unstoppable blaze. As they stand there, looking at each other, just like on their wedding night, they are so caught up in each other. If Jamie wasn't already the perfect man, calling Claire the most beautiful woman he's ever seen pretty well proves it. I love that not everything goes perfectly. She cracks her nose on Jamie's head, he pulls her hair, things are awkward, because of course they would be. It enhances the moment, though, as we see their ease, their love for each other, that even when they haven't quite gotten their rhythm back, yet, they are still working together, loving and enjoying each other. Again, this scene highlights Claire's perspective as she is the one to push harder and faster, the "do it now and don't be gentle" line being particularly intense. Jamie is more than happy to comply, and they are suddenly right back to where they always were, in the throes of passion, feeling like they only can with each other. Jamie gasping and crying out her name is just about one of the sexiest moments in tv history, showing the intensity and violence of their need. Claire's face is complete, visceral ecstasy, at the end. They stare at each other, the person they've yearned for finally with them again. Breathless, beautiful, and together, the King and Queen of TV sex scenes are not going to be overthrown.


#1 Fair's Fair: (1.07)

Though there are so many amazing scenes, this one had to take the top spot. It was and is the most romantic, sensual, and sexy thing I had ever seen. It starts off so softly, with Claire just touching Jamie's arm, but the change in him is immediate. It's electric. He wants her so much, loves her, that any sign of interest from her is everything to him. And Claire is most certainly interested. She is obviously torn by her loyalties and feelings, but she and Jamie have grown closer, and she feels the intoxicating power of being with him already. So she tells him to take off his shirt. Saying he is beautifully made is an understatement -- he looks like he was carved out of marble by Michaelangelo. This scene is such a powerful, female-gaze moment, the camera lingering not only on his very attractive torso, but his neck, jawline, hands, and of course, very nice 🍑. There is a sweetness and an intensity throughout the interaction that make everything light up. Claire's obvious attraction to him emboldens him, and he delivers the devastatingly sexy line "fair's fair," to which Claire promptly responds by slipping out of her shift. The way Jamie looks at her, with fascination and unadulterated hunger, shows his sweet, youthfulness. This is deeply novel, as points out he's never seen a naked woman so close, and not one that's his. There is so much power in that bit of possessiveness; he takes marriage vows very seriously, and he feels the bond they have, of words, blood, and burgeoning love. They have lost all timidity and awkwardness in the unbridled lust they have for one another. He picks her up and carries her, neither of them hesitant or questioning. It's such a beautiful character moment as they are able to lose all constraints and fears. It is the love, the oneness, that is meant to come of marriage, pledging to each other body and soul, forever. Though Jamie is more certain, he is still sweet and tender, coming out especially when Claire gets a bit louder. His worry that he's hurt her is so perfectly precious!

Outlander, always turning fantasy and romance tropes on their heads, gives a strong sexualization to Jamie's innocence, something that is very rare as that's often done to young women. Instead, Jamie's wide-eyed delight and lack of artifice are made out to be desirable and endearing. Claire goes into lioness mode, pouncing on him and taking control. There is absolutely no murky consent here, as Claire bites his hand, and his torso, and he tells her to go on. Often, when a woman performs oral sex on a man, it's portrayed as her loss of power, that it is a way to assert masculine dominance -- Claire turns that around. She is in the driver's seat, and she wants to give Jamie pleasure. And does she ever. When he says that he thought his heart was going to burst, she looks utterly pleased with herself. The way they lay beside each other, naked and smiling, shows how much they've grown even from their first encounter. They are comfortable and close, and have established an intimacy of both body and spirit that will carry on. And last, as Claire looks over at Jamie, who had fallen immediately asleep, there is so much tenderness, the budding of love, in that gaze. Jamie's sweetness, his lack of experience, is again something Claire and the audience are supposed to find attractive. Outlander doesn't buy into the damaging restrictions of traditional gender hierarchies for women or for men. Jamie isn't ashamed of his virginity, and Claire never makes him feel that way. Similarly, Claire isn't shamed for her sexual knowledge, or, importantly, for her sexual desire. They are allowed to want to each other, and encouraged by the other party to show it. They connect deeper, develop more, when they let their guard down and show their deepest desires, a desire for each other. This scene established the precedent of Outlander sex scenes that are powerful character moments, intense connections, and devastatingly sexy at one time.


“But It’s Historically Accurate:” Why This Argument Doesn’t Work


“Candy” and “Leg Hair” in Outlander