Creativity Craves Change: An Open Letter


Change is difficult and often uncomfortable. It’s definitely scary, but I’ve found that it’s also incredibly rewarding. I recently made a big change on my Instagram, and, though it was scary, and I certainly did lose some followers, it was what I needed to do to keep that creativity I so cherish flowing.

Here is the letter I wrote on my page, and I wanted to share it here.


Hi all,

 I am making a few changes that I am incredibly excited about. This account is shifting from Outlander re-watch to re-watch blog! But dinna fash!  Outlander is still going to be a major Focus for me. I just want to add in it some more media and broader media commentary. So yes, it's new and different, but it's all so new and more!

 If you're following my blog, you know I have been writing about more diverse topics. I've had this account for almost a year now, and deep-diving every bit of Outlander has been a blast! Undoubtedly there is always more to dissect and discuss in such an incredible show, and I will continue to do that. However, writing is a creative Pursuit. Creativity often craves and drives on change, on pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

 All Outlander all the time has become a safe space for me. I love that. That is due in no small part did incredible support from all of you, and I cherish that. But I want to continue to grow, as a Critic and a writer. I hope you'll stick with me through this process!

 I don't love Outlander any less, but I want to continue to bring fresh content and then my voice to the topics that strike me, that I think are important. I was honestly apprehensive about this. I know some of you will not be pleased with this change but the reality is I would much rather grow and develop, even if I lose a few of you along the way, then stagnate and lose myself. I hope neither of those will happen, and the few things I've put out about this change has gotten overwhelming positivity. I am immensely grateful for that.

 All that being said, I'm incredibly excited to talk about a variety of shows and media. I hope you will love at least some of them along with me! Maybe you'll even find a new one to love. I can't thank you all enough for the wonderful Community we've built here. I will be continually devoted to positivity and I have faith that the love and care in this community can spread wider. I'll absolutely be keeping up my Thursday re-watches of Outlander so make sure to join me for those on Instagram live at 5 p.m. Pacific time. I'm in the middle of my list of top 10 scenes from each season and that's still going strong.

 I'll keep writing about Outlander. I'll keep loving it. This does not mean I love it any less, but that I loved it enough to want to cherish it, do not expend myself too greatly on this topic. I never want this incredible Outlet to feel like a chore, so in my self reflection, I feel the changes necessary. Outlander is special, and I never want to lose the feeling of awe and love I have for it.

 So, to the show that has given me so much, I can't thank you enough. To the cast and crew and everyone involved, Outlander means more to me than I can ever express. It is, of course, so much more than the sum of its parts. It is an incredible story unlike anything else I have seen or experienced. But it is connection, too. In this crazy, walk down here, this show has given me a way to connect with people. I have had deep, powerful discussions, and develop some of my closest friendships. Again, I can never thank you enough.

 I am so looking forward to starting this new chapter. Thank you all for such love and support! 


So, if you were looking for a sign to take that step, looking for a reason to pursue something you love even when it’s scary, consider this that sign. Because when we step out and step up, when we say what we want and what we need, the world tends to recognize and reward that. It’s not a 1-to-1, and it’s not always easy, but there is joy and power in change.


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