Why Didn’t We Get Bridgerton News on Christmas?

A question I’ve been asking for days now: Why didn't we get any details about Bridgerton on Christmas? Well, that's a somewhat complex question. I, like many, was expecting a pretty big drop of content on Christmas day. Bridgerton has trained us, after S1 dropped Christmas day 2020 and S2 announced its release date Christmas of 2022, to expect new content. Instead, we got a post looking back at some good moments from S1. Lovely, sure, but not at all what we were hoping for.

I think it left a lot of us somewhat shocked and definitely feeling shortchanged. At least, it did me. And still more, it had me feeling worried. Why weren't we getting content? Especially for Queen Charlotte. For those who don't know, Queen Charlotte is the spinoff Bridgerton prequel that has been done filming for a while now. Honestly, I was expecting a release date for QC (Queen Charlotte) since we got our first teaser scene at Tudum back in September. I was also expecting the first stills from Bridgerton Season 3, but if we couldn't get anything for QC, it makes sense that we wouldn't get anything for Bridgerton.

So why the heck aren't we getting anything about Queen Charlotte, if that’s the root of the problem? My first worry was that there were post production issues. I was afraid of network interference or necessary reshoots, of issues with the show, and that would honestly be the worst case scenario. Just bad marketing wouldn’t be good either, but I just couldn’t figure out the strategy there of disappointing your fanbase like that.

What I've more recently heard, which makes a ton of sense, is that it all comes down to the book. See, a while back, Julia Quinn announced she would be writing a Queen Charlotte book to accompany the show. Since the Queen wasn't a character in JQ's original Bridgerton series, it's a big departure that people, including me, are very interested in experiencing. So, what does that have to do with us not getting any details on Christmas day? It all comes down to the HarperCollins strike happening right now. That's a whole other can of worms I'm not getting into at the moment, but Avon is HarperCollins, and Avon publishes Bridgerton. So with the strike, that could very well hold up the development of the new book. If they decide they want the book to come out before the show, it could definitely throw off the schedule.

None of this is confirmed, only that I kept feeling like there had to be some kind of external factor, and it seems like there is. The cross promotions they're trying to do make for a lot of moving parts, and it might mean we get QC, maybe even Bridgerton S3, a little later than expected. It honestly makes me feel better that it's something like this and hopefully not problems within the shows themselves. Maybe we’ll still get QC in Spring and Bridgerton S3 in summer, like I originally predicted, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Queen Charlotte comes out in summer and the third season this fall.


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