Top 10 Kanthony Moments

#10 Library Scene

The emotional power and pure sexual chemistry propelled this relatively small scene to crack the top ten. Anthony and Kate are worked up and wakeful, Kate by the storm and her complicated feelings, and Anthony...well, he has complicated feelings too, but he's staring at naked people painted on his ceiling, so he's definitely up as well. The minute that he walks in, the scene is disastrously intimate. The way he asks her if she couldn't sleep elicits shivers. The nod to the book here with Kate's fear of storms is a good one, but I like that her trauma and struggles are much more nuanced. Anthony and Kate feel the emotional intimacy they forged during the bee scene, and now, they can push that further. It's so telling that this powerful moment is forged outside of societal pressures. Kate has her hair down, showing vulnerability and that she's more relaxed than she's ever been. Anthony is literally barefoot with his collar open, all the trappings of society that keep him safe but also keep him at a distance. He opens up in an impressive way with telling Kate how his father died, and Kate's reaction is prefect. It's so clear how suddenly all the pieces fit together, how she understands him so much more now. And that is the beauty of Anthony and Kate's scenes, that just a little interaction, one small revelation, brings so much. They are similar in their fears and traumas, their responsibilities and their desires. When the lightning jars Kate from the little haze of intimacy they've created, Anthony doesn't budge. He's the one to say it's all right, the one who wants to keep that moment and stay in it. Anthony is desperate to be vulnerable, to open up to the first person he's felt like he can. It's heartbreaking to see that cut short, but so meaningful that it happened at all.

#9 First meeting

Anthony is exhausted. He's burning the candle at both ends and thus just going through the motions. The lead up to this scene, showing how everything Anthony is doing is fully transactional from business to sex to courting. And it leaves him hollow. Kate is the upset to all that. She gets his blood up instantly, pushing him into high gear like no one else can. Instantly, he is interested, challenged, engaged, like he hasn't ever been. Anthony instantly respects her as she proves her prowess, and then quickly delights in her as a human being and a sparring partner. The sass Kate casts back at him is glorious, and when he catches up to her, their exchange is perfection. Previously, we saw that Anthony has put everything in categories, especially women. This is often described as the Madonna/Whore complex, where there are women one marries and bears children, perfect, pure, Madonna. And then there are whores, low women, base desires. The two don't mix. Anthony embodies this view of women, and it has to be jarred out of him for him to grow. Kate absolutely does that. She's a member of the Ton, poised, graceful, bright, well spoken. But she's riding astride, arrogant, competitive, quick witted, sexual. She occupies both camps instantly, and Anthony struggles to place her in one, which is why he assumes she's married and surprised at her not having a maid. He knows she's upper crust and yet doesn't fit his neat ideas. Moreover, this first exchange shows how they are without the pressures of society and the weight of duty. They are their most authentic selves; teasing, competitive, but ultimately, deeply appreciative of and thoroughly enjoying one another. It would be easy to make Kate perfect here, all knowing and putting Anthony in his place. She does that, but also, she's wrong about the direction of Mayfair. It immediately sets up that they both have some learning and growing to do, which is what we want from strong, complex characters, both male and female. I can't think of a better setup to show that these two are clearly the main pair of the season, and that they are exactly what the other needs.

#8 Pall Mall

Undoubtedly one of the best and most fun scenes of the whole season, Pall Mall does double-duty in every moment, every line. From the start, it's obvious that this is Kate's world. She is thrilled by the competition and is just as bloodthirsty as the Bridgertons around her. She's talented, gloating, and genuinely adorable. What I love so much is that, though Anthony is annoyed by her hitting his ball into the woods, he is the one who encourages her to do it. That actually shows how good of a sport he is; if you're really competitive, you don't want anyone to go easy on you. I feel bad for Edwina here, but it's obvious how they don't fit. It's not her fault, but they're just wrong for each other. Colin even has to be the one to push Anthony to go with her, and when she lets him off the hook, he stays in the game. Telling. The best part, of course, is when Anthony and Kate have to go off together for their balls. Anthony chooses the honorable thing, impressing Kate, and Kate wades into the mud, heedless of her clothes, impressing Anthony. Their antagonism is delightful throughout, and it's perfect thematically that they're forced to help each other from the mire. Kate's tiny little "help" is adorable, and when they crash into the mud together, it is yet another signal of who they are when they flout convention. None of this is appropriate by Ton standards, and they're covered in mud. But this, just like their first meeting, is where they can let down their guard. Their laughter as they sit in the muck shows exactly how they will be in their life together; their circumstances don't matter. They'll find the joy as long as they're together. Moreover, the conversation they have after is one of the most poignant of the series. He finally understands where Kate is coming from and treats her as an equal, and Kate gets a glimpse into his psyche when she sees his reaction to his father's grave. A powerful and meaningful exchange, the entire Pall Mall scene does so much beautiful work in setting up this pair as so similar, and truly perfect for each other.

#7 First Kiss

It was kind of shocking for me to put this one so low on the list, but they have a LOT of amazing moments. And this one is hit with one of the biggest cries of "finally!" from the collective audience ever. They've been leading up to this all episode, all season, when everything is about to explode. Anthony is literally picturing her as his bride as he's trying to say his vows to another woman. I mean, yikes. The whole episode is tension filled as Edwina realizes what we all know. Prior to this moment, Edwina's speech falls a little flat, but what it does well is strip these two of all of their pretenses and get them alone and vulnerable together. Kate is devastated. Everything she's worked and lived for has fallen down around her ears despite trying to do the best thing at every turn. She's shattered. And somehow, as we so often do at our lowest moment, that is the time we can summon the courage and the strength to go for what she wants. Kate echoes Anthony's plea of "wait" earlier in the episode. She can't let the moment end. Even when Kate finally utter that "goodbye," it's not enough. She knows they're shattered. Her most important relationship is broken, their families are likely ruined, and yet all she wants is Anthony. In the breaking down of her every defense, she finds she can truly go after what she wants. And that kiss is afire. They lunge at each other, the hunger and desperation evident. We spin around them in a dizzying vortex that pulls us tighter and tighter until we're as breathless as they are. Anthony and Kate just sink into it, no more hesitating. It's a glorious first kiss that feels like a wedding. And they really are married to each other from that moment, though they struggle to find their footing. This is a huge emotional climax that leaves them rocked to their foundations. It's so telling, especially in a season that features hands so prominently, that after this kiss, they clasp hands and cling to each other. Not only are they their heart's desire, but they are their rock as well. It's a beautiful beginning to the undeniable and undeniably beautiful relationship these two have.

#6 Bee Scene

This scene is one of the biggest turning points of the series and the first truly major one for Kate and Anthony. They've been skirting around each other, oscillating between attraction and mysterious connection to dislike and downright hostility. But here, this scene, is the moment we know they're something special. They're fighting, as usual, with Anthony constantly questioning the plans he has for his life and never wants to admit that's about Kate. Kate is nervous and vulnerable too, feeling unsettled and strange after everything that's passed between them. They both know there's something there, but can't quite identify it. When Anthony sees that bee, though, when suddenly all his trauma comes rushing back, when he worries that he might lose Kate, the stranglehold he's been keeping on himself and his emotions snaps. I love the representation of anxiety here, and especially in a romantic lead. We really get to realize here just how much intensity and pressure Anthony is putting on himself. It's unsustainable. And that's no accident that it's with Kate where he finally cracks. Her ability to comfort him, to connect on the most basic, human level of touch, of the beating of their hearts, is nothing short of a revelation. They belong together: even their heartbeats match. As they stare into each other's eyes and breathe, something changes. He calms, but the connection remains. They are still powerfully drawn to one another, their touch intimate, their gazes inexorable. It's an eternity in that moment, and, I expect, the first time either of them have felt truly understood, truly safe, in years. Kate tells Edwina that love is when a man speaks in a language only your heart can hear. This is that moment. Whether or not they believe or understand it yet, this is the moment when it becomes love. Their absolutely wrecked reactions afterward show just how important of a moment this was. The world has shifted beneath their feet and they're both fully aware of that. Though in the future they're able to deny and try to ignore, in this moment, they feel the full gravity of what is between them and know nothing will ever be the same.

#5 Hearts and Flowers

I am combining the dance and the scene in the library because really, you can't get the full gravity of one without the other. The dance is perfection. From the way Anthony's face softens as he asks Kate to dance to the song playing to the way they touch each other. The choreography is phenomenal; them looking the same direction with his arms around her is disastrously intimate. Anthony knows he has feelings for her, and he is begging her to give him some sign that she does too. Anthony is the first person, really, to tell her that she matters, but Kate isn't ready to hear it. And when she tells him she's going to India, it shatters him. Anthony is trying reevaluate what he wants and needs, but Kate is still caught up on doing what her sister wants. When she follows him into the library, Anthony already knows that if Kate sticks around and he isn't the one to marry her, he'll go crazy. But still, he pushes her. Anthony absolutely knows what it is between them, being more experienced and familiar with something like it, though never this strong. He is urging Kate to make the leap, to understand and admit the truth. They fight, the way they always cover their strongest emotions, and Anthony goes into full seduction mode. He's feeling intense vulnerability, knowing that he could lose everything if he says something Kate doesn't reciprocate, but the feelings are too strong to ignore. His whisper is shiver-inducing, and Kate is clearly aware of herself, her feelings, and her body like never before. Anthony knows exactly what he's doing, and a minute more would have been the culmination of all that desire. Of course, Daphne walks in and shatters the moment. And I'm immensely grateful that she did. Just like Darcy and Elizabeth before them, Kate and Anthony weren't ready at this point to be together. They still have a lot of growing to do, growing that necessitates them learning to set duty aside and do what's right for them. They aren't there yet, but this scene is an absolute revelation for both of them about just how powerful this "something" between them is.

#4 Honor Hanging by a Thread

This scene is one of the hottest things I have ever seen, full stop. Kate has everything ripped away from her in this moment, and she is desperate to keep Edwina happy since that is where she gets her self worth. But as always happens when Kate and Anthony are alone, there are fireworks. Anthony really couldn't be more thrilled because this is his way out. The utter frustration on his face when Kate still is pushing for the wedding is perfection. So Anthony decides that he has to show her exactly why a marriage between him and Edwina can't work. Without a doubt, these are some of the best and most memorable lines of the entire series. Whe she says she's leaving for India, he comes in with "and it is not far enough." Anthony has finally realized the gravity of his attraction, his need, for Kate, and he knows that as long as she exists, he will be desperate for her. They really hit on the "forbidden romance" part in this scene, and it sets the moment aflame. When he says his whole speech, Anthony is declaring that he will think of Kate and want her, even when he's married and, presumably, sleeping with Edwina. Anthony has finally acknowledged that his honor has limits, and has been pushed beyond them with Kate. He knows it is only a matter of time, and he knows how that could hurt everyone involved. He is still willing to give up Kate for the sake of society and his "duty," but he is forced to acknowledge that the connection between them is too powerful to ignore. Of course, the most ironic line of the series is dropped here as well. "You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires." We are as breathless as they are as they move closer, pulled in by gravity. Right at the edge of a kiss, Anthony pulls back. I don't think it's that he is able to hold back, not really, but that he knows he won't be able to stop if he does cross that line. He knows he will ransom everything he holds dear, his duty but even the honor and reputation of his family, to have her. Once that line is crossed, there's no going back, and ruin for everyone lies on the other side of that line. The absolutely desperate yearning in this scene is enough to break them both, and us.

#3 Epilogue

The absolute perfection of this ending cannot be overstated. The complete and utter joy that emanates from every second of this epilogue style finish is everything we hoped for and dreamed of for these two. For such a fraught season, for two people who so denied themselves, the enduring happiness they've found is the only finish that could be. The way they tumble about together in bed, sweet, teasing, hungry, is exactly how these two will forever be. The possessive, proud, flat out delicious way he utters "Viscountess" is enough to make us all melt. On top of that, the way Anthony looks at Kate as she slips from bed is truly thunderstruck: he never believed he could be so happy, with the woman he loves beyond words by his side. And when they finally do join the family, they still can't keep their hands off each other. After eight episodes of constraints, the word that comes across here is freedom. They have broken the chains of expectation, society, duty, chains manacled onto them by not only the world and people around them, but more even by themselves. Love has freed them from those bonds. They are still themselves, teasing and contrarian and profoundly competitive, but they have met their match. The Pall Mall game is the ideal bookend to their story as, in many ways, it's the moment we see that there is no other for them. Kate is a Bridgerton through and through, and even Newton has taken his rightful place. It is the life both of them denied they wanted for so long, but the ending they both supremely deserve. Kate, with her hair half up and half down, shows a perfect evolution. They are still their strong, independent, fierce selves, just better, more at ease, more well rounded versions. They have achieved a state of joy and liberty, with each other and within themselves, they had never dreamed possible. It truly is a happily ever after, not because they will never face trials, but because they are and always will be better together. That's the true dream, and the promise a romance novel gives us. And this ending certainly delivers.

#2 The Garden

This scene is volatile brilliance. It simmers, burns, until it becomes a veritable inferno of seven episodes of build up that finally crescendos into this perfection. From the moment Kate and Anthony meet in that garden, this is only going one place. They are stripped down to nothing emotionally, every pretense, every ideal they've tried to uphold, has been snatched from them or utterly shattered by their own actions. Both of them are raw and vulnerable, and in that, they can only turn to the person who understands them most. Of course they start off fighting; they haven't yet really figured out how to ease into conversations or emotional moments without that as a crutch. But when she refuses to go inside, Anthony knows that last thread of honor has snapped for him. He's done thinking about anything else but her. As he says, his family is falling apart, yet all he breathes for (Violet echo, by the way) is Kate. And when they finally do something for themselves, it is glorious. They are not messing around, and Kate telling Anthony not to stop when his hand goes up her skirt is incredibly poignant. Kate is not timid; she's almost certainly a virgin, but we see someone knowledgeable and self assured here, someone who has been in touch with her sensuality the whole time, and is ready for what this moment brings. The editing of this scene is a gold mine for those of us who literally go frame by frame. It's a sensual feast that left me utterly breathless and shocked. I've seen a lot of sexy scenes, a lot of skin, but this was one of the most sensual, unabashedly female-focused, and fantastic sex scenes I've ever had the pleasure to watch. Arrogant, stubborn Anthony is literally on his knees for this woman. The man who had a jackhammer pace in every sex scene in Season one is slow, delicate, sensual. He is savoring every touch, every taste, until we've gone as mad for it as Kate. One of the hottest things ever filmed is his hand gripping at her corset as he goes down on her, then turning to grasp her hand as she finishes. I It cements the idea that first and foremost, this scene is about connection. This is the culmination for characters and plot and theme in a perfect climax, literally, for this story.

#1 The Declaration

I was going to include both the dance and the declaration here, but for lack of space, I decided to just keep it to the garden discussion because there is just so much. Anthony cannot let Kate go, and he has to go find her to tell her the truth. He is able to be completely vulnerable for the first time since his father died, and it is all for Kate. Anthony finally explains to Kate the truth of why he didn't visit, that the thing he most feared, to love and to lose, was staring him in the face. He can't even finish the sentence, because all that matters is the next words. We finally get an I love you, the truth from him, and in such a perfect way. He is not saying it to gain anything as he still believes she's leaving, as he doesn't believe she wants his love or feels the same, but simply because it is the truth and he loves her. Anthony recontextualizes his whole experience since meeting her and realizes everything has led up to this moment, and he who didn't want his heart in the equation now begs for the woman he loves to feel it to. The look on his face when Kate says "I love you too" is beyond words. It shows the immense growth from Anthony that the first thing he comes in with is "I want a life that suits us both." He has no interest in trying to be something he isn't anymore, and even less interest in trying to make Kate into the ideal he used to hold. It's very Jame Austen of him to admit his failings here, and for a man who has pride and stubbornness as his main flaws, his offer of humility is stunning and beautiful. Anthony gives her the words she didn't know she was searching for, the honest lack of pretense, that he wants her and cannot be without her. Two more perfect lines I don't think I've ever heard, when she promises a lifetime of vexation, and he couldn't be happier. "Is that a promise, Kathani Sharma?" Made me actually swoon. Literal fireworks light up the sky, Kate says yes, and there is a kiss for the ages. It could not be a more perfect moment for these two. It is all the characters growth, the tender sensuality, the sweeping romance, and the true love we so want and need from this story. They don't disappoint.


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