Top 10 Kate Costumes in Bridgerton Season 2

#10 Nightgown and Wrap

The simple beauty and thematic relevance of this ensemble shows so clearly that this is no ordinary nightgown. First, the fact that it's a nightgown immediately ramps up the intimacy. She goes through the house in just that and the lovely wrap (which I'll get to). Her hair is down, and therefore her defenses, and she's vulnerable. Kate is about as close to naked as Anthony would ever have seen a society woman, her arms bare, hair loose. It's a delicious disaster waiting to happen. The nightgown itself is perfection, the white conveying innocence and, again, vulnerability. It's almost translucent, giving an alluring and sensual quality to it, and of course it looks remarkable on her (everything does), and she is even carrying that pink shawl, a color we tend to see when there is the fiercely feminine, Danbury side of her coming out, the openness, like in the mud at Pall Mall, and especially in the dance that we see in the following scenes. But even that, a kind of shield still, drops, and we're left with the two of them in white. It's no accident that both of them have strong color associations to their families, but in this moment, they are bare of that. Not duty or influence, just the two of them and their intensity and feelings for one another. Her outfit here is perfect, and it is such a classic, romance novel look that it made me want to swoon. Bridgerton does an amazing job of taking cliches and making them new, of respecting the genre while adding their own spin and depth, and this look for Kate is a perfect example of that.

#9 Museum Dress

Truly one of the most gorgeous and intricate dresses I've ever seen, this gown is stunning. The shimmering quality to the fabric, the delicate design on the sleeves, and all handmade, makes it one of the most gloriously crafted costumes of the season. Not only is it glorious in its look, but it fits Simone like a dream, and Kate's character to perfection. After the events of the wedding, her shared kiss with Anthony, she's unmoored. She is struggling, so it makes sense she would wear her signature color, which, and certainly not accidentally, is a mix of both Bridgerton blue and Danbury pink, as well as traditionally (in modern culture) boyish blue and girlish pink. Kate never fits neatly into a category, so it makes sense that her color palatte echoes that. The details on the bodice, sleeves, and hem make this even clearer, with pink, blue, and purple flowers as the decor. This particular outfit is a somewhat cool purple, showing more of that desire to be walled off even as a bit of that softness and vulnerability that we witness when she wears pink shines through. She is trying to close herself off, but after the wedding, she is flayed open. Even though she tries to push Anthony away, something has changed for them. And this dress certainly communicates that. Plus it is spectacularly gorgeous. No wonder Anthony is intoxicated by her, practically following her around, desperate for even a whiff of her scent.

#8 Riding Outfit

This one is certainly a crowd favorite, and no wonder. The color is spectacular and so apt as the blues tend to explore the more traditonally masculine side of Kate, like going hunting and riding astride. The rich jewel tones that are her signature communicate the unspoken depth of her inner life and how much more there is to be discovered. The detailing on the hat and coat is, as usual, spectacular, and lends an air of intricacy and delicacy to an otherwise very spartan piece. Not one for frills, still, Kate has exquisite style and betrays a bit of love for the more nuanced and ladylike bits of her wardrobe when she wears something that still has pretty, swirling designs. They are also tone-on-tone, again alluding to the idea that she wants to hide the parts of herself that are enticed by romance. Moreover, the structured collar and the hat echo Anthony's own attire. They mirror each other, always, and here is no exception. She has her defenses up a bit, but as we see them slowly getting more used to each other, enjoying their time out together in a pose that echoes their first meeting, we see those walls come down a bit. This of course culminates in the glimpse of thigh and stocking we -- and Anthony -- get as we step over the log. Her stocking are almost utilitarian in color and fabric. Very Kate. And yet it drives Anthony more mad than any sensual confection. It is Kate to the core, and I think that's what makes this outfit so perfect.

#7 Harmony Ensemble

This outfit is extra special because we not only see the dress, but we get to glimpse what lies beneath as well. Let's start with the gown. It's in Kate's signature color, a beautiful, shimmering purple covered in dainty patterns. It's lovely and perfectly feminine. The dress is complimented so well by the jewelry and of course, the gloves, which are paler and also a nod to the books. At least, the removal of them is. Of course this gown is glorious and everything she wears compliments her immensely, but where this attire truly shines is in the underthings. We see a flash of the cute little lilac smalls that seem to have inconsistent permanence, but still, those are some nightclothes I would like to own. The corset, though, is the main event. From the sheer number of Instagram ads I get for corsets in that style, it's pretty clear Kate's corset has reached iconic status. Even better with the small, embroidered flowers and every perfect detail, it could not be more Kate. The color is perfection, the structure perfect for her form as well as to give her both the femininity of such a delicate and I intimate garment, but also the power and structure of her masculine, almost armor like attire. Kate is throwing all of society to the wind, and reveling in what she has with Anthony, but since she and he have not yet admitted love, they can't fully be naked with each other. It also hits peak sexiness as so much is about what we don't see, what is imagined. It adds to the aesthetics of the scene and enhances the lovemaking in every way. It's utterly glorious, and this outfit deserves all the accolades.

#6 Pall Mall Dress

This dress is possibly my favorite from just a style perspective. The color is perfect, the cut and fabric, the embroidery, the gloves, the shoes, it all comes together to make something so perfect. Every time she stomps into the mud, it hurts a little knowing that dress is damaged. First off, the color is complete perfection as Kate and Anthony have opposite colors. She is connected to him as she wears pink and he plays pink in Pall Mall. The dress itself hints that she is going to open up and be a little vulnerable, as they are in the mud. And we see how competition brings out the best in these two, especially with each other. The flowers in her hair come loose, as do tendrils as she plays. We get to see her relaxing and getting into her element. The gorgeous embroidered pattern is nothing short of spectacular, and it makes for a beautiful, delicate, ornate design that is simply unmatched. Her shoes are of course adorable, pink slippers that we see just as she ruins. She is never going to let the trappings of femininity get in the way. Her gloves, too, are perfection, from color to fabric. Everything about this dress is enticing, from the gauzy quality to the lovely color, and it speaks to the soft and more open way Anthony and Kate interact by the end of the match. It truly is a sight to behold, and it makes for one of the best costumes of the series.

#5 Purple Wedding Dress

One of my favorite crafted pieces of the series, everything about this dress is perfection. The color, lighter and almost metallic, is unique and exceptionally beautiful. The detail work on the dress is phenomenal, from the pattern along the sleeves to the gorgeous split skirt. Everything about it is perfection. The slit in particular that reveals the underskirt is actually incredibly sexy. The way Anthony looks at Kate and not at Edwina is due in no small part to an abundance of lust, and this dress helps that along in a really understated way. Still more, the sheer overlay and gloves speak to the idea that she's trying to cover something up: her feelings, her true nature, her desire. But it doesn't work because it always shows through. Especially here. The sheer and the slit both nod to things below the surface coming out in this scene. This is clearly Anthony and Kate's wedding in nearly every way, and this is a gorgeous dress for him to see her walk down the aisle in. And with the green bangles, which I have a whole post on why those matter so much, it is one of the best and most meaningful pieces Kate wears. No wonder Anthony can't take his eyes off her; none of us can.

#4 Sheffield Dinner Dress

This dress is absolutely made of starlight. Everything about it is gorgeous; it's no wonder Anthony can't keep his hands off her. First off, its probably the most revealing dress of the series. It's low cut and the neckline is wide, exposing a lot of flesh, especially for Kate who we see a lot more in the masculine jackets and the higher necklines. Here, though, she's a lot more exposed. Even the sleeves are short and small, similar to the tulip shape but cut up quite high. She also isn't wearing gloves, and we know how important hands are to this couple. Further, it makes sense that in this situation, where she is prepping for battle with the Sheffields, she would wear the more masculine blue, to protect herself. But because of the feelings Anthony has evoked, and his recent dip in the water, she has a lot more sensuality to her than usual. The fabric itself is almost sinfully silken, hugging her body with this lack of structure that certainly drives Anthony a bit wild. It also harkens back to the nightgown she wore, and certainly Anthony doesn't miss how it displays her. This is one of the sexiest scenes filmed, and everything on Kate's costume predicts that long before it ever happens. It's a perfect dress for this situation, and it makes complete sense emotionally and attire-wise that this is the moment Anthony pushes things to the brink.

#3 Hearts and Flowers

Oh, this costume was a dream come true. Almost everything we've seen of Kate so far has been structured, cool colors, her armor, save a few glimpses of something more tender. But here, she becomes this soft, pink goddess of vulnerability and temptation. Her hair frames her face beautifully, softening the severe hairstyles she usually wears. The pink dress is beautifully delicate, with all the beading phenomenal detail that adds to the shimmering, gentle quality if the fabric when she moves. Even the color stands out amongst the more sedate pinks. She's still more vibrant, more visible, more alive, than all the others. Kate's dress here is perfect for the dance, one of the most beautiful ever choreographed, as her skirts swirl and they spin together, touching each other, his bare hands on the exposed skin of her chest. The intimacy, the tension, is unmatched. All the details come together to make something perfect, as her necklace accentuates her skin and the sleeves are revealing, split even, to draw the eye up and under, thinking of her shoulders and the skin beneath. The long, white gloves stand out. They don't match, just like her white stalkings, but show an innocence to her in all this. She isn't fully aware of the effect she has on Anthony. Still more, the tiara she wears would not be out of place on the diamond of the season, but of course, Kate is no diamond, and when we see her arguing with Anthony later, it falls out of place. It's a clear signal that she is not the prim and proper, perfect miss Anthony claims to want. Instead, she is strong and flawed and stunning. Her entire costume is built around the exposure she feels in the library, the way those things she has tried to keep buried, the fantasies she claimed not to want for herself, come to the surface when she's in Anthony’s presence. And there could be nothing more perfect for this situation than this costume.

#2 Epilogue Dress

This dress screams happiness on every level. The richness of the color is so fitting for Kate; after seeing her in jewel tones all season, this is the peak. Her signature color, a mix of masculine and feminine because she never fits a category, of Bridgerton and Danbury because she is that bridge, and still, a color almost wholly hers. Few others in the series wear purple, and this amazing warm shade is Kate's signature color if you ask me. The design of this gown is a culmination of all the beautiful dresses that have come before it. There are nods to who Kate is, what she loves, and the styles that help define her. Color 💜 Tulip Sleeves 🌷 even the shimmering quality of the fabric and the pleats in the back. The beading is extraordinary, and it echoes her previous Pall Mall dress that had the heavier part of the design at the bottom, and the delicate patterning echoes the pink dress she wears for their first dance. Both the front and back are low cut, showing a new kind of openness for Kate as she comes into her own. This dress is the perfect ending for her, a clear signal that everything that came before has led up to this moment. Kate and Anthony could never be here, never be so happy and complete, if everything hadn't gone just that way. And her dress harkens back to all they've walked through while displaying the new lease on life they both have, with one another. This is happiness made into a dress, and it is perfect.

#1 Orange Dress

I think I actually gasped aloud when I saw this dress. So often, Kate is trying to blend into the background. She's matching with her family or the theme of the ball, even trying to blend into the background. But here, we see Kate fully come into her own. She wears a bright, gorgeous color with huge cultural significance. I've talked a little about the Haldi ceremony before, but we see this here as Kate's Haldi, this time done with the man she will marry, showering them both with blessings. Everything about this dress is beautiful and significant. It makes her stand out, showing that she's left behind the self-consciousness and the constant worry about her "duty." Instead, she is stepping into her own, and it's no wonder that Anthony is drawn into her orbit. It is of course stunning when they dance, with her gloved hand passing between them as they stare into each other's eyes. Wow. Possibly even more gorgeous is when she's standing out in the garden, when the details on the dress stand out and shimmer. The wrap she has reminds me a lot of a sari, further connecting her to the heritage she has previously been hiding as evidenced by her accent that she tries to eliminate when she's around the Ton. But here, she is open with herself, her culture, and her feelings. This dress is perfect for that, revealing her skin against such a beautiful color, the open softness of the gown showing how she is ready to receive the love Anthony offers. It's a wedding preparation, a signal that these two are on the same page like they've never been with anyone before. It's a beautiful moment, and it's all wrapped up in that spectacular dress as well.


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