Top 10 Possible Subplots in Bridgerton Season 3

#10 Murder Most Foul

I was wracking my brain as to what role Will and Alice Mondrich could play in Season 3. They were a very small part of season 2, so it would be interesting to see them play a larger role, especially as Eloise learns more about the role of class in her society. So, here is my broad strokes pitch.

Lord Fife is found murdered at Will Mondrich's club. It turns our he's been racking up massive gambling debts, and the police immediately turn to the owner of the club. Alice, worried and with nowhere to turn, goes to see Colin Bridgerton to help. He is eager to do so, and Eloise overhears. She goes to Theo, asking for his help in gathering information. They discover Fife was shot, but why would a boxer who could easily end a man's life with his bare hands risk discovery with a loud gunshot? And why would he kill a man who owed him money and end his best chance of getting it back? Eloise has a suspicion that Lady Whistledown might have heard some whispers, so goes to see her to ask questions. Penelope, who has become close with Edwina, offers to help. This through happenstance throws Edwina into the path of the young, bright, idealistic lawyer, Mr. Bertram (picture Charlie Rowe), with whom she falls in love over the course of the season. Alice and Will have sweet moments together as they lean on each other through the difficult times. Colin keeps the club running and discovers a knack for business. Penelope helps atone for some of her mistakes by turning thr tide of public opinion in Mondrich's favor. Finally they catch the real killer, a friend after a fight, some scandal uncovered by Pen and Eloise working together, moving them closer to friendship again. I see this as playing out over three or so episodes, ending with Colin finding a bit more purpose, investing in Mondrich's club and they become partners, which could play out through the rest of the season. This doesn't rank higher because honestly it makes me nervous as a white savior narrative, though I think it could be powerful if done well. But really, it is me making stuff up to try and find something to do for these characters, and while I love Will and Alice, every character should have a clear, thematic and plot reason to be there. That seems to be lessening with each season, so time to change or move on I think.

#9 Featherington Farse

I know some people didn't love the Featherington plot last season, but I actually adored it. It provided some good levity to a season that had a lot of heavy stuff in it. While I anticipate Season 3 to be significantly lighter, I think the Featherington subplot continuing with a few twists would be fun. Though because Penelope will be the main character, her family is sort of part of her plot, but she will be doing her own thing a lot I'm sure, leaving the other Featheringtons to find mischief. First off, especially as Colin will likely be around a lot with his knight in shining armor role to the Featherington ladies, it would be hilarious to see Portia trying to scheme to get him with Prudence. I would also love to see Portia scheming in business as well, maybe something slightly illegal but not dangerous or scary, but to keep adding color to the world. I would love to see the hilarity of Prudence milking her "broken engagement" for all its worth. And it would be cute if Phillipa was pregnant and convinced she was carrying the Featherington heir. Especially since last season the Featheringtons worked as kind of a twisted mirror for the main Kate and Anthony story, it would be a nice parallel to have then echo it again, either with Kate being pregnant, or struggling to become pregnant. In any case, I hope we get more Featheringtons because they add a lovely levity to the story it sometimes needs, and the actors they have in that family are delightful. I could even see a return of Lord Featherington in some small capacity. Really, I doubt they'll have a full plot line exactly and instead prop up Penelope’s story and the main action. But I'm excited to see them make the most of that!

#8 Smythe-Smith Quartet

If you haven't read the books, you probably have no idea who these people are. The Smythe-Smiths are a family with a bunch of cousins who exist in the Ton at the same time as the Bridgertons. The Bridgertons are top tier; prettiest, richest, most desirable. The Smythe-Smiths are a rung down, not helped along by the annual musicale they host where the unmarried girls of the family put their musical "talents" on display. And they are always HORRIBLE. People stuff their ears with cotton, horrible. But Julia Quinn devotes four books to these young ladies, books I really liked. They cross paths with Bridgertons from time to time, and I would love to get a bit of their story starting in Season 3. We could meet a few of them early on, Eloise rolling her eyes at one of the cousins who is marriage minded and silly, even bonding with Honoria or Sarah. One of the events early in the season could be the musicale itself, with Lady Danbury insisting they all come out in full force to support these ladies. We might even get to meet a nephew or two of hers, who play large roles for both the Smythe-Smiths and the Bridgertons, eventually. Moreover, this is my pitch that the Bridgerverse can keep expanding. I envision a series called "Quartet," designed to be four seasons, telling the stories of the Smythe-Smiths (please hire me to write this 🙏). And this subplot could be the launch. I actually highly doubt this will be part of the series at any point, but I think it would be a joy to watch. Netflix's most successful English language show could certainly support a whole universe of content, and I hope they do.

#7 Edwina's Love Life

With her arc in Season 2, Edwina is set up for a really fantastic story in Season 3. She finally learned to be true to herself and to not bend as much to the pressures of being the diamond. Some of this season has to be her finding herself, and I could absolutely see her finding a love match as well. So here are the top candidates. Prince Friedrich. Obviously the Queen herself ships this, and in many ways, this has a lot of symmetry. The Prince was passed over by Daphne for a love she couldn't deny, and with a bit of scandal. Edwina has to stop her wedding because the connection between her betrothed and her sister is too strong to deny. They also have a pretty similar view on what they want out of life, and they have a goodness and a sweetness that matches. And she deserves a prince. The biggest thing against this is that I don't know if the actor will be back, and it also might send some message that Edwina is shallow, which I would vehemently disagree with, but people really seek to tear her down, and this might add to that. Lord Lumley is also a good possibility. He seemed nice and charming and well read, and he and Edwina could make a nice match. The mark against this is that it just feels a bit...boring. It would surprise or excite much of anyone, and that's not very Bridgerton. Another candidate, now hear me out, is Theo. Obviously I adore him with Eloise, but she isn't ready to settle down, and honestly, Theo is the closest character we have to who Edwina ends up with in the books. I want to see Theo happy, and if he doesn't get to be happy with Eloise...well, that's both the argument for, and against. It would feel a bit like a consolation prize, and Edwina deserves better than playing second fiddle to another woman in her man's heart. Again. So that leaves a Mystery Man. Nicola has hinted at a so far nameless newcomer to the Ton: could he be a suitor for our diamond? I think it a distinct possibility. What he will be like is complete speculation, but knowing Edwina, I am expecting someone smart, handsome, and energetic.

#6 Marina’s Story

TW: suicide, depression, and mental health

Spoiler for To Sir Phillip With Love

Honestly I felt very conflicted as to what to say about this. The actress who plays Marina, Ruby Barker, has been incredibly up front about her mental health struggles (good for her, by the way!) But it lends a particularly kind of relevance and gravity to an already difficult and heavy situation. How do they handle the Marina storyline? Because if they are going to put Eloise with Phillip like she is in the book, Marina is going to have to die. They have two options: 1. They bail on the mental health storyline altogether and kill her in an accident or physical illness. 2. They lean into the mental health struggles and have her die by suicide or resulting complications. There are virtues and problems with both, and we very well might see one play out in S3, so it seems important to discuss. First off, I'm tossing out the idea she might die offscreen. She deserves better. An accident or illness could work well as it would take away questions around stigma and some possible problematic ideas about mental health, motherhood, even race. But the drawback of this is that it takes away those questions. In a show that is successful in no small part because of its representation, don't we want the tough conversations? Showing her mental health play out in a realistic way across an entire season, showing the struggles of those fighting that battle, and the difficulties for those who love them...Giving her respect and space to play out this narrative, that would be amazing. I can't say I'm not concerned at the thought of the narrative simply fridging Marina (killing off a female character to provide backstory for a male), and I can't say it doesn't make me cringe a little that the complex, black woman will have to die to give the pretty white girl her happy ending. But that can be avoided the more agency and screentime they give Marina. Let her drive her own narrative and exist in her space, have authentic storytelling that is both ends and means in itself, and then Bridgerton might be able to avoid the pitfalls of this complex topic.

#5 Violet Gets a Beau

I am shocked by the level of controversy this provokes every time I talk about it, so I'm excited to dig in. Obviously Violet and Edmund are a love of a lifetime. That's amazing! And while Violet is clearly still grieving, Season 2 seems to give her some closure in this area as well as Anthony. She's not pining as much as she did in S1, and her love is worth it speech to Anthony might have sparked something in her as well. Violet is young and vibrant, a woman who has a ton of life left, and someone who seems like she might want to spend that time with someone. This is a show about love, after all, and focusing only on people in their teens and twenties is a very small representation for the many ways love can manifest. Violet, a bit older, a single mom with young and grown kids, would make for a whole other, wonderful narrative. Do I actually think she's going to fall in love in S3? Not really. But I'm hoping for a storyline where a man wants to court her and she let's him. For this upcoming season, I'm seeing sweet and unassuming, think Hugh Bonneville or Michael Sheen. I want to see someone bring her flowers. I want to see her dance and laugh and enjoy herself. It would also provide a fantastic opportunity to give us flashbacks of when she fell in love with Edmund, and to set up the idea that love can be different, that loving someone before doesn't mean loving the person you're with any less. Then, maybe in four, I would love to see it get very real, to put her heart at risk and her body back in play. I'm seeing Idris Elba or Richard Armitage. It's exactly the kind of thing Bridgerton should embrace, and I would love to see it play out onscreen.

#4 Activist Eloise

Eloise Bridgerton is one of my favorite characters in fiction, and she deserves an amazing story to match. There have to be consequences from the Whistledown revelation, especially since she was going about unchaperoned, and as we see with Daphne and Simon, even being alone with a man forces marriage. Eloise, however, might be able to skirt that because she's a Bridgerton with the backing of the Queen. Still, she would never be allowed into the Ton at the same level she was before. And all the better for her, really, since she never like that world anyway. I would love that horrible moment to actually give her the freedom she so desired. I could see her joining in with a group of activists fighting for workers and children's rights, especially as they are in the middle of the Industrial Revolution. She could meet a few other young women from several walks of life, fight for women's suffrage, and further her education through rallies and discussion. Since we've gotten a big hint from his actor that Theo will be back, I would so love to see them continue their friendship, and maybe even explore a bit more? Even if Theo isn't Eloise's forever (I personally advocate for her to be immensely happy on her own, at least for a very long time), I would love to see her explore a more romantic or sexual side of herself without thinking of marriage as the only goal. After all, that's what all the boys get to do. Why not have Eloise raking it up a bit? I doubt she'd turn suddenly into a woman about town, but with someone like Theo, where there is a deep and genuine connection, it would be a joy to see her explore herself and her feelings. In Season 2, they started to nod a lot of directions for Eloise, but I think they can and should follow through with those in Season 3.

#3 Francesca and John

This is one of the storylines that makes me the most excited for Season 3, especially since I think this one is pretty likely. With the change in casting for Francesca, it makes it obvious that her role will be playing a role that simply can't be cut out, unlike the previous two seasons, which is very exciting. The new actress is absolutely perfect for the more mature Francesca who, I expect, will be making her debut this season. I wouldn't be shocked to see her presentation as the opening scene of Season 3 to match the first two, and for her to be named the new diamond. My hope is that we will get this very lovely, not bumpy, love story between Frannie and John. They meet at a ball, like each other, get to know each other. Their love should be very deep and kindred, but very tame. I want to see emotional intimacy and a loving, sweet heat. I want to see them get each other, understand each other on a deep level, and let us get to know Francesca through John. I think we might even see them get married very quickly, maybe even mid-season? And that would lead to the introduction of Michael, who is, of course, the real main event. Having him come on the scene, all beauty and charm, and fall hard for his cousin's wife, would be a perfect set up for the rest of the drama to unfold over future seasons.

#2 Kate and Anthony Infertility

I know it seems a bit crazy for my favorite couple, but I want Kate and Anthony to have an infertility storyline. We all want them to just ride off into the sunset and make babies and be perfect. But I want to give these two amazing actors something really powerful to do, something that can dig deeper into the themes established in Season 2.

The pressure to have children for a couple with a title is immense, so that story would work very well with the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton. It would lend itself to discussions of why people should have children and the pressures especially women face to have them. Even nowadays. And Bridgerton is at its best when it's secretly talking about today under all that Regency finery. It could be a great final step for Anthony to view his family as a family and no longer in any aspect as duty, especially as talking about children was one of his big interview questions for all the ladies he was considering to be viscountess.

It could further underline the gender politics and points set up in Season 2 as well, as Kate and Anthony settle into very traditional roles of husband and wife, father and mother, and see what fits and what doesn’t, what works for them and what won’t. It could provide some very, very powerful moments for both Kate and Anthony as they struggle with fear, guilt, and duty, as they learn to lean on each other. It would further underline for these two control freaks the way life and love cannot be controlled, and help them get ready to be the best parents they can for their children. It would also be a pretty strong story reason to put in another sex scene or two from these amazing characters with such sensational chemistry (give the people what they want, and all the better if it works for the content and theme of the story). And it could provide yet another massively meaningful emotional catharsis for these two, as well as give us an amazing happy ending yet again.

#1 Benedict with a Male Love Interest

Without question, this is the single biggest and most important thing I want to see from the coming Bridgerton seasons. My deepest hope is that Benedict would get his happy ever after with a man, and if I get all my wishes, it would be that. But pragmatic but still hopeful me sees a subplot in Season 3 where Benedict meets and falls for a man. In my head, he's a playwright (which could loop in Siena nicely, as an aside), and after fighting his feelings, then succumbing, they get to have a few episodes of bliss before the friend has to go to Paris or wherever to stage his next play. Benedict is heartbroken but learns an important lesson that love is love, and that if he ever feels that sensation again, to never let it go. Which leads him to the final ball of the season, a masquerade, where he meets a mysterious and beautiful woman who sweeps him off his feet. Honestly, I think this would be perfect. They would need to work hard to avoid the idea that his homosexual relationship is somehow a stepping stone, or that he got "reformed" or -- cringe -- cured, by being with a woman later. But as long as they keep that in mind and make deliberate steps not to send that message, I think it would be fine. Bridgerton's new showrunner was highly cagey about the LGBTQ+ representation -- or lack thereof -- in Bridgerton. Is that because there will continue to be none? Or because there will be some and they don't want to spoil it? Hard to tell. Chris Van Dusen and Luke Thompson have both said things that could certainly give backing to the idea that Benedict isn't 100% straight, but at the same time, as Netflix tries to become more marketable in less accepting places, they might want to censor one of their biggest shows ever. Which is sad. In a show about love, about acceptance and representation, really, what could be more fundamental than the idea that love is love? I have hope and faith they will come through and show that. Happy Pride!


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