Men In Kilts is Exactly What We Need Right Now


The Scottish travel show featuring Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish has, to date, aired two episodes, and is slated for six more. Obviously, I am stoked. The conceit of the show is a delightful one, with Sam playing the cheery, energetic adventurer to Graham’s crotchety, semi-reluctant traveler. Suffice to say, this is exactly what I needed right now.

Except I’m going to go on and on about, because it’s that much fun.

If you read the book Clanlands, written about Sam and Graham’s adventures in their small tour of Scotland while filming the show, you’ve gotten a taste of their delightful and often contrarian relationship. While Graham refers, I believe lovingly, to Sam as the Energizer Bunny, Sam passes, again, I believe lovingly, the moniker of Lady McTavish to his companion. That leads me to the first great thing about this show, and why it’s such a balm for the soul during these turbulent times.


The relationship is fabulous.

Sam and Graham compliment each other perfectly, both of them with an easy charm that seeps off the screen and warms my heart as I watch them together. Sam has a lightness, a sweet, almost dorky personality that is utterly endearing from a six-foot-three Scottish hunk. Graham has a gravitas and an appreciation for the finer things that I find myself increasingly drawn to. I’m not sure what it says about a 22-year-old American girl that I relate strongly to a 60-year-old Scottish curmudgeon, a lovable one, but still.

Their dynamic, as they play off each other, working together and always at least some underlying, if not outright competition, makes for interesting color. Moreover, it is precisely this kind of friendship that makes us feel part of the gang. It’s so important during these isolating times that we have connections, and connections with fictional characters and celebrities on a screens, while not reciprocal, can certainly help.

I can absolutely say that I feel I know Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish better now. When I turn on Men in Kilts, it feels a little like getting to see old friends. That’s a wonderful thing to bring into the world, and I’m glad they created this delightful show.


They portray the best kind of masculinity.

Many traits that are traditionally masculine are truly remarkable and valuable. Things like honor, bravery, independence, and healthy competition, are often drowned out by the more toxic traits that are too often heralded. But Sam and Graham embody the best kinds of masculine traits.

Obviously Sam and Graham are two of the most hunky and masculine men I’ve ever seen. Handsome, rugged, strong, cast in the parts of very manly characters. And yet, they show a beautiful willingness to have weaknesses. They are a bit squeamish at the death of animals as they cooked a meal. They give each other guff and props in due time. They thoroughly enjoy each other and the things they are experiencing, never too cool to show it.

We need more men who are comfortable in a skirt.

Obviously it’s a kilt, but the point stands. They wear attire that others might be disparaging about, because it has nothing to do with their identity as men. Bravo to them, and I want to see more men on my tv screens and in my life who are as comfortable and kind as these two are.


Lastly, it itches our travel bug.

I have been dying to travel since the beginning of quarantine. I haven’t left the country in three years and it’s almost killing me. But, thankfully, we have the incredible shots from Men in Kilts’ tour of the beauties of Scotland, the experiences of fine dining of Sam and Graham, and the wanderlust that comes with seeing places in the world you haven’t yet been.

Scotland is plainly a magical place, and before discovering Outlander, it certainly wasn’t on the top of my list of places to visit. Outlander knocked it up a few places. Men in Kilts has put it positively at the very top.

So thank goodness for Men in Kilts, as it scratches that itch in just the right way; beautiful places, great recommendations, and two men who are easy on the eyes guiding us through.


So if the recommendation wasn’t clear, definitely go watch Men in Kilts. It’s a delightful time with two delightful men that hits in just the right spots during these crazy times.

Blessings to everyone involved. This is just what we need right now.


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